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river morphology中文是什么意思

用"river morphology"造句"river morphology"怎么读"river morphology" in a sentence


  • 河床地貌
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  • River restoration mainly includes the recoveries of river morphologies and that of hydrological processes
  • From the multi - disciplinary synthesis , such as ecology , river morphology , economics , river mechanics , etc . , it constructs sixteen specific indices which reflect river structure and function at different layers and classes , indicates the meaning and the determination approach to the indices , and finally determines the index weight through the layered binary compared the expert analysis method
用"river morphology"造句  


The terms river morphology and its synonym fluvial geomorphology are used to describe the shapes of river channels and how they change over time. The morphology of a river channel is a function of a number of processes and environmental conditions, including the composition and erodibility of the bed and banks (e.
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